Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wishing Upon an Idea

Hiya folks! In class we got into our groups for our project to discuss and plan or do whatever needs to be done. My group and I shared what the people in our random group had to say about our idea. Nico and I agreed that a science fiction thriller would not be the best route to go for our film opening because it's sort of difficult to portray as amateur film makers.

We need to think, and we need to think hard. Nico had an idea where a guy wakes up in the ocean and does not know where he is or how he got there and some sketchy guy on a paddle board is conversing with him and then the sketchy guy says something that frightens the main subject and also creates suspense for the audience. Since our group wanted to keep the whole idea of water or pool,  Moana , I thought was a good reference for inspiration. In the beginning of Moana, Moana is shown being very young and is captivated by the water and the water acts as some sort of guide so that she can retrieve something. My thought inspiration from this is that perhaps the subject is drawn to this person in the ocean, and that person is eerie looking and they wave at the subject, a close up of a tattoo is shown on the eerie person's wrist to show that the tattoo is going to have some relevance later on in the film, and the subject finds his way through the water.

We need help. I feel as if we are barely getting anywhere with a solid idea, which has been a problem before in previous projects. I still believe that a thriller movie is the best route to go because they get their audience constantly engaged and hooked wanting to watch more. My group and I are planning on meeting up this weekend to discuss more and possibly start filming. Wish us luck!

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